Styrofoam, or expanded polystyrene (EPS) is a pressing ecological issue, occupying 30% of landfills worldwide. My artwork seeks to revalue this often discarded material, utilizing it to mold ceramic artwork, as well as to create large scale installations. These installations are meant to mimic the appearance of calving glaciers, a massive force of nature constantly threatening collapse. Despite that instability, in these glaciers also exists a wealth of resources, as Styrofoam can easily be recycled by shredding, melting, and re-foaming the material. Periodically, the Styrofoam collected for the Glacier is recycled and replaced with new foam, advancing and receding much like an actual glacier. The foam is taken to specialist recycling facilities such as Pacific Allied Products on Oahu, where it is turned into insulation, geofoam, and coolers, giving the material an extensive second life of utility.

Care Packaging, Thesis exhibition at the University of Hawaii at Manoa Commons Gallery, February 2022.